Nasi Kandar Line Clear & Famous Penang Cendol and Ais Kacang

I was in Penang Island quite some time ago. The island was a fantastic place to visit, especially the edge of the city which is surrounded by sea water, and Penang Ferry was a new level of experience (sounds like a 'Jakun'). My friend Rev told me I should try The famous Penang Nasi Kandar, Nasi Kandar Line Clear which is located on the Penang Street. I was quite shocked with the place because it looks nothing like what I had pictured in my head. Well, take a look for yourself, THE famous Penang Nasi Kandar..

Despite the run-down-look, the place appeared to attract many customers. They have variety of dishes to choose from. The food is kinda good but slightly over-priced. I guess they can afford to do so since they are known to be The Best in town.

Couple of blocks away, at a small junction of the road is where the Famous Penang Cendol & Ais Kacang  is. There are 2 stalls operates right opposite each another. Apparently the one on the right is the original which I found out later. The ais kacang and cendol were okay. I was happy enough to have quenched my thirst after a long walk under the blazing sun. I didn't get to try Penang Char Kuew Teoy. May be the next time around.


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