Bali Bali Restaurant

A night out in Sungai Petani looking for good food and we ended up in this place called Restaurant Bali Bali. It was highly recommended by our friend Jothi. They serve Thai Cuisine here. I have no idea why they name it Bali Bali in the first place; could have named it Thai Thai. There is nothing much to say about the place; the setting is fairly normal. But the service was good; the waiter and waitress are friendly enough. As for the food, I would say it’s quite tasty and very nicely presented especially Ikan Siakap 3 Rasa. The price is also quite reasonable considering there were 5 of us.

Nasi Kandar Line Clear & Famous Penang Cendol and Ais Kacang

I was in Penang Island quite some time ago. The island was a fantastic place to visit, especially the edge of the city which is surrounded by sea water, and Penang Ferry was a new level of experience (sounds like a 'Jakun'). My friend Rev told me I should try The famous Penang Nasi Kandar, Nasi Kandar Line Clear which is located on the Penang Street. I was quite shocked with the place because it looks nothing like what I had pictured in my head. Well, take a look for yourself, THE famous Penang Nasi Kandar..

Despite the run-down-look, the place appeared to attract many customers. They have variety of dishes to choose from. The food is kinda good but slightly over-priced. I guess they can afford to do so since they are known to be The Best in town.

Couple of blocks away, at a small junction of the road is where the Famous Penang Cendol & Ais Kacang  is. There are 2 stalls operates right opposite each another. Apparently the one on the right is the original which I found out later. The ais kacang and cendol were okay. I was happy enough to have quenched my thirst after a long walk under the blazing sun. I didn't get to try Penang Char Kuew Teoy. May be the next time around.